6. Collector - Getting Started

请先回顾下 Data Collection Documentation 确保能理解 OpenTelemetryCollector 的部署模型、组件跟适用的仓库。


OpenTelemetry Collector 包含一个独立的二进制文件以及提供了两种主要的部署方式

  • Agent: Collector 的实例会更应用一起运行或是在同一个主机上运行 *(比如二进制文件、SideCar、Daemon set)
  • Gateway: 通常来说为每个集群、数据中心或区域中,将一个或多个 Collector 的实例作为独立运行的服务 (比如是一个 Container 或是一个 Deployment) 进行部署。


我们会推荐在每个主机中以 Agent 的形式部署到对应的环境中。这样的话,Agent 就可以拦截所有接收的遥测数据 (包括 Pull 跟 Push 两种),同样也可以为这些遥测数据添加更具体的元数据,比如自定义的标签或是基础设施的信息。另外,Agent 也可以无需去负责类似客户端所需要做的类似批量处理、重试、加密、压缩等操作。OpenTelemetry 仪表库默认情况下会假设本地的 Collector 是就绪的并将数据导出。


另外一种是作为网关集群部署到每个集群、数据中心或地区,网关集群会作为独立的服务因此他相对于 Agent 这种基于采样的模式,能够提供更加强大的能力。另外,网关集群还可以限制发送数据的出站点的数量及进行 API Token 的统一管理。每个集群中的 Collector 实例都能够独立处理数据,因此能够很容易的使用负载均衡器针对性能所需来进行扩展。在网关集群部署之后,他通常就会开始接收从 Agent 发过来的信息了。

Getting Started


Demo 会部署负载生成器、Agent 跟网关以及 Jaeger、ZipKin 跟 Prometheus 作为后端。更多的信息可以从 Demo 的 README.md 了解。

$ git clonet git@github.com:open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib.git; \
	cd opentelemetry-collector-contrib/examples/demo; \
	docker-compose up -d


每个 Collector 版本都会发布到 Docker Hub 并附带默认的配置文件

$ docker run otel/opentelemetry-collector

还可以使用他提供的示例,这个示例会使用 Docker Container 启动一个 Collector 的 Core 版本,启用所有的 Receiver,并将所有的数据导出到本地的文件中。发送到容器的数据会从中提取出所需的 Prometheus 指标。

$ git clone git@github.com:open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector.git; \
	cd opentelemetry-collector/examples; \
	go build main.go; ./main & pid1="$!";
	docker run -- rm -p 13133:13133 -p 14250:14250 -p 14268:14268 \
	-p 55678-55679:55678-55679 -p 4317:4317 -p 8888:8888 -p 9411:9411 \
	-v "${PWD}/otel-local-config.yaml":/otel-local-config.yaml \
	--name otecol otel/opentelemetry-collector \
	--config otel-local-config.yaml; \
	kill $pid1; docker stop otelcol


部署了一个类型为 Deamonset 的 Agent ,以及一个独立的网关实例

$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/main/examples/k8s/otel-config.yaml


OpenTelemetry Operator 可以用来提供管理 OpenTelemetry Collector 实例的工具,通过他的类似自动升级处理的功能,能够实现基于 OpenTelemetry 配置的服务配置,跟自动进行 SideCar 的配置注入等等。


Reference job files to deploy the Collector as an agent, gateway and in the full demo can be found athttps://github.com/hashicorp/nomad-open-telemetry-getting-started.

Linux Packaging

Every Collector release includes DEB and RPM packaging for Linux amd64/arm64 systems. The packaging includes a default configuration that can be found at /etc/otel-collector/config.yaml post-installation.

Please note that systemd is require for automatic service configuration

To get started on Debian systems run the following replacing v0.20.0 with the version of the Collector you wish to run and amd64 with the appropriate architecture.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y install wget systemctl
$ wget https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/releases/download/v0.20.0/otel-collector_0.20.0_amd64.deb
$ dpkg -i otel-collector_0.20.0_amd64.deb

To get started on Red Hat systems run the following replacing v0.20.0 with the version of the Collector you wish to run and x86_64 with the appropriate architecture.

$ sudo yum update
$ sudo yum -y install wget systemctl
$ wget https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/releases/download/v0.20.0/otel-collector_0.20.0-1_x86_64.rpm
$ rpm -ivh otel-collector_0.20.0-1_x86_64.rpm

By default, the otel-collector systemd service will be started with the --config=/etc/otel-collector/config.yaml option after installation. To customize these options, modify the OTELCOL_OPTIONS variable in the /etc/otel-collector/otel-collector.conf systemd environment file with the appropriate command-line options (run /usr/bin/otelcol --help to see all available options). Additional environment variables can also be passed to the otel-collector service by adding them to this file.

If either the Collector configuration file or /etc/otel-collector/otel-collector.conf are modified, restart theotel-collector service to apply the changes by running:

$ sudo systemctl restart otel-collector

To check the output from the otel-collector service, run:

$ sudo journalctl -u otel-collector

Windows Packaging

Every Collector release includes EXE and MSI packaging for Windows amd64 systems. The MSI packaging includes a default configuration that can be found at \Program Files\OpenTelemetry Collector\config.yaml.

Please note the Collector service is not automatically started

The easiest way to get started is to double-click the MSI package and follow the wizard. Silent installation is also available.


Builds the latest version of the collector based on the local operating system, runs the binary with all receivers enabled and exports all the data it receives locally to a file. Data is sent to the container and the container scrapes its own Prometheus metrics.

$ git clone git@github.com:open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib.git; \
    cd opentelemetry-collector-contrib/examples/demo; \
    go build client/main.go; ./client/main & pid1="$!"; \
    go build server/main.go; ./server/main & pid2="$!"; \

$ git clone git@github.com:open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector.git; \
    cd opentelemetry-collector; make install-tools; make otelcol; \
    ./bin/otelcol_$(go env GOOS)_$(go env GOARCH) --config ./examples/local/otel-config.yaml; kill $pid1; kill $pid2